El Ángel de Libra: Nuestro Protector Celestial para la Armonía y Balance en la Vida 1

The Angel of Libra: Our Celestial Protector for Harmony and Balance in Life

In this grand universe created by the supreme divine, each life has a purpose and is protected by a celestial being of pure light: an angel. And in the zodiac sign of Libra, ruled by Venus, lives a particularly special one. An Angel of balance, art and beauty.


The Angel of Libra: Encounter with Harmony


I remember when I was a little girl, lost in my path and devastated in my emotions. He didn't even remember when he had last smiled. But then, one night, while I was looking at the stars in the sky, a beautiful Dragonfly landed on my shoulder. Feeling its natural lightness and delicacy, I couldn't help but smile. At that precise moment, I felt a deep, strange peace flow through my body.
Since then, I have always felt accompanied, protected. By paying attention to the patterns emerging in my life, I realized that this divine guardian played a very important role in my harmony and balance, just as the **Angel of Libra** does in our lives.


The Angels of Libra and Their Mission


Each Protective Angel has a unique mission, assigned by the divine cosmos, to protect and guide the souls under his care. **Libra Angels** are known for their dedication to maintaining harmony and balance. They are responsible for spreading love, beauty and justice in the lives of those in their care.

People born under the sign of Libra or those who are going through a phase of imbalance in their lives can seek help from these heavenly guardians. His influence can help restore harmony in our lives and to find beauty in every moment.


Influence of the Angel of Libra


These divine beings gather the energies of love, beauty and justice. Your presence can influence in our relationships and in how we interact with others, helping us seek peace and equity in all situations.

In addition, the vibration of the Libra Angels can affect our artistic and creative abilities, since they are beings oriented towards beauty, both internal and external.

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Communication with the Libra Angel


To communicate with the Libra Angel, one can try meditating in a calm and quiet environment, focusing on your breathing and the intention to connect with this being of light. It is vital to keep an open mind and a heart full of love.

Some people have reported receiving messages from these angels through dreams, sudden thoughts, or even physical signs in the world around them.

It is important to remember that each experience is unique and personal. No matter how you choose to communicate with your angel, the most important thing is to do so with sincerity and honesty.


How to know if the Libra Angel is nearby


When the Libra Angel is around, you may feel a sense of peace and balance take over your being. You may also begin to notice a greater appreciation for beauty in all its forms, both seen and invisible.

You may begin to see the number 7 frequently, as this is the number associated with Libra in angelology. Also, you might find dragonflies more frequently, as that these creatures are considered a sign of the Angel of Libra.


The complete cycle: closure of the initial anecdote


And now, many years after my first encounter with the dragonfly, I continue to feel the calm and balance that she brought to my life. Every time I see a dragonfly, I remember that feeling of peace and harmony that flooded my being and I know that my **Libra Angel** is watching over me.

Each of us has a protective angel. We can choose to ignore their presence or embrace them and accept the guidance and love they have to offer us. Meet our Libra Angel can bring balance and beauty to our lives. We just have to be willing to open our hearts and minds to his divine energy.

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Who is the protective angel of Libra and what are its main characteristics?

Libra's protective angel is Anael, also know as Haniel. This angel is second in the hierarchy of the Seraphim according to Jewish astrology, and its name means "Glory or Grace of God.

Anael's most important features are:

1. Love: Anael promotes love and harmonious relationships between people.
2. The beauty: You have strong connections with beauty and aesthetics, just like Libra natives.
3. Affectivity: It awakens the feeling of love and affection in people's hearts, making Libra people particularly affectionate and empathetic.
4. Spiritual Influence: Helps Libra people understand the true meaning of their lives from a spiritual perspective.
5. Diplomacy: It encourages fairness and justice, which is highly appreciated by Libra people.

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As a protective angel, Anael It brings peace and harmony to the lives of Libra people. It helps create healthy and happy relationships and maintain a balance between all areas of your lives. Furthermore, this angel enhances personal attractiveness and there are those who believe that can positively influence material enrichment.

How can you invoke the protective angel of Libra to receive your guidance and protection?

Summon your angel protector is an act of faith and of spiritual communion. In the case of the Libra sign, its protective angel is Jophiel, the Angel of Beauty and Balance, whom you can invoke to receive guidance and protection by following these steps:

1. Prepare your space: Find a quiet place and clear the area of negative energies. You can do this by burning incense or incense and visualizing how the negative energy dissipates.

2. Body position: Sit comfortably, with your back straight and your feet firmly planted on the ground to keep your body rooted to the earth during the invocation.

3. Concentration: Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths to help you leave any distracting thoughts behind and focus only on your intention to connect with the angel Jophiel.

4. Invocation: With your thoughts directed toward him, say out loud or in your mind: “Angel of beauty and balance, Jophiel, I call upon you now. I ask that you surround me with your divine light and love, and guide me in my Walk to peace and balance. Help me see beauty in all things and attract harmony in my life."

5. Meditate: Remain in a state of stillness and receptivity for a few minutes after the invocation, allowing any messages or signs from your protective angel to reach you.

6. Gratitude: Finally, end your invocation by thanking Jophiel for his presence and guidance.

Remember that your relationship with your protective angel is personal and unique, so these steps can be adapted as is most comfortable for you. The important thing is that you feel at peace and open to the divine guidance they can offer you.

What is the relationship between the zodiac sign of Libra and its protective angel?

The zodiac sign of Libra is characterized by its tireless search for balance and justice, which is greatly reflected in the figure of its protective angel, the Archangel Jophiel. This angel is known as the «Angel of Beauty» and is considered the main bearer of divine light and wisdom.

The relationship between Libra and Jophiel is very strong, as they both constantly and ardently try to find harmony and symmetry in everything they do. Libras are peaceful and intellectual individuals who can find support of Archangel Jophiel to amplify his love for truth and their innate desire for fairness.

Jofiel helps people under the sign of Libra keep their minds clear during decision making and recognize beauty and harmony in the world around them. In addition, this protective angel makes it easier for them to remain calm in complicated and conflictive situations, something that Libras are always looking for.

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Finally, it is important to highlight that Jofiel also helps Libras to cultivate self-love and raise your vibrations, providing them with a feeling of peace and satisfaction inside. Thus, with the help of this protective angel, Libras can enhance their natural abilities and live with a deeper sense of balance and harmony.

What message and teachings does the Libra angel have for people born under this sign?

Libra's protective angel is Angel Jéliel, whose mission is to bring balance, harmony and justice to the lives of people born under this sign.

The teachings of the Angel Jéliel for Librans are diverse. First of all, incites love in all its forms: affective, filial, platonic, human, etc. This angel helps these individuals love and be loved, teaching them that love is a divine gift that everyone deserves to receive and bestow.

Another important assignment from Jéliel is promote justice and equity. Libra natives, with the guidance of their protective angel, usually have a strong sense of justice, and are willing to fight to maintain balance in any situation.

Furthermore, this angel facilitates decision making and conflict resolution. The scales, symbol of Libra, also represent balance and stability. However, it can also denote indecision. Jéliel provides mental clarity to help make the best decision, and guides towards the peaceful resolution of any disagreement.

Jéliel also imparts the quality of diplomacy. He instructs his charges to express themselves in a kind and respectful manner, keeping relationships in good harmony. This leads Librans to be great mediators and advisors.

Finally, the Angel Jéliel emphasizes the importance of live with gratitude and joy. Invite Librans to give thanks for every blessing and life lesson, and to enjoy every present moment.

In summary, the teachings and message of the protective angel of Libra revolve around love, justice, decision, diplomacy, joy and gratitude. These values help balance the inner and outer world of people born under this sign, allowing them a fuller and happier existence.

How does the protective angel of Libra influence the daily lives of people born under this sign?

He Libra Protective Angel He is known as Zuriel, one of the seven archangels. His name means "God is my Rock." This angel significantly influences the daily lives of people born under the sign of Libra, providing them with balance, harmony and justice.

Zuriel has an important role in the promotion of harmonious relationships. Helps Librans better understand the people around them, promoting understanding and tolerance. Likewise, it encourages them towards activities that promote peace and conciliation.

Another relevant aspect is the pursuit of justice. Those born under the sign of Libra are known for their willingness to fight for justice and fairness, and this is where Zuriel's influence becomes most evident. This angel helps Libras make fair decisions, remain impartial, and defend their convictions.

The sense of balance and moderation It is another of the distinctive marks of this angel. People ruled by Libra, thanks to Zuriel, have the ability to maintain a balanced attitude towards life, avoiding extremes and always looking for the middle point.

Lastly, Zuriel also supports Libras in their constant search for beauty and harmony. This angel helps people born under this sign to appreciate beauty in all its forms, whether in art, nature or human relationships.

In conclusion, the protective Angel of Libra, Zuriel, is a constant companion who guides these people towards harmony, justice, balance and beauty, positively influencing their daily lives.

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