Ángel de Piscis: Guía Protectora y Espiritual en el Mar Celestial 1

Angel of Pisces: Protective and Spiritual Guide in the Celestial Sea

In the silence of our praise, we extend our hands and open hearts toward heaven, seeking our Pisces angel. Guide of those born under the sign of the fish, protector of dreams and emissary of hope. Allow us to discover and understand your divine essence.

Once, a fisherman found a jewel in the mouth of a fish he had caught. This was no ordinary jewel, it shone with an ethereal glow and seemed to tell a story inside. An ancient story that spoke of a celestial being, the angel of Pisces, who cared for and protected those born under this sign. Now, let me tell you more about this wonderful creature.

Who is the Angel of Pisces?

He Pisces angel, also known as Barakiel, is the guardian of those born between February 19 and March 20. This celestial being is a symbol of fortune and good luck. Its name is usually translated as "God's blessing", highlighting its mission to provide well-being and happiness.

The Mission of the Angel of Pisces

Barakiel is tasked with guiding the Pisceans through the turbulent waters of life. His empathetic and compassionate nature is reflected in those under his protection. This angel promotes intuition, creativity and spirituality, key attributes of Pisces.

Pisces Angel and Spirituality

He Pisces angel It connects its protégés with the deepest aspect of their being, prompting them to explore their spirituality. Therefore, many times, Pisceans find themselves inclined towards meditation, prayer and other forms of spiritual growth.

Barakiel and Creativity

Barakiel encourages the creativity of Pisces, allowing them to express their soul through various forms of art. Music, painting, dance and writing are some of the ways in which this angel helps his protégés channel their emotions.

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The Anecdote of the Fisherman and the Angel of Pisces

Let's remember the story of the fisherman we started. After finding the jewel, the man felt invaded by a feeling of peace and tranquility. Every night I dreamed of a resplendent angel He spoke to her with a sweet and calm voice. The angel revealed to him that it was Barakiel, the Pisces angel, and that the jewel was a gift of gratitude.

The fisherman, although he had always led a humble life, considered himself lucky. But since meeting the jewel, luck seemed to smile on him even more. His fishing improved, and his village prospered from the abundance. Joy and fortune flooded his life.

Over time, the fisherman understood that the true blessing was not material wealth, but the peace and happiness that flooded his spirit. He understood that Barakiel, the angel of Pisces, had shown him the Walk to the true fortune, that which is found within.

Invoking the Angel of Pisces

To invoke Barakiel, just make a sincere prayer, asking for guidance, protection or simple gratitude. It is important to remember that each prayer must be made from the heart, since the Pisces angel values sincerity and genuine emotions.

Now, dear reader, I leave you with this essence of mysticism and spirituality, hoping that you will find divine light in these words. of the angel of Pisces, Barakiel. May your path always be illuminated and your spirit, constantly evolving.

10 touches with Miguel Ángel Brindisi

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PISCES♓He will talk to you nicely and bring you gifts, he brings his own interests, he wants to get information

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What is the protective angel of those born under the sign of Pisces and what are its main characteristics?

He protective angel of those born under the sign of Pisces is EIAEL.

EIAEL is known like the angel of Patience and Longevity. This angel provides people born under the sign of Pisces with lasting patience and the ability to wait for the right moment to act. EIAEL is also able to free her charges from anxiety and stress, allowing them to live longer and fuller lives.

The main features of EIAEL include:

1. Patience: EIAEL provides tranquility and calm in difficult and challenging situations.

2. Longevity: This angel protects health and promotes longevity, helping its charges maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Healing: EIAEL has healing abilities and can help restore the physical and mental energy of her charges.

4. Release from stress: This angel It helps eliminate anxiety and stress, allowing people born under Pisces to live happier, more fulfilling lives.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that EIAEL invites you to explore the meaning of life and find inner peace, thus supporting the person during their spiritual journey. With his guidance, people are encouraged to be containers of wisdom and truth, and to use their understanding for the betterment of humanity.

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How can you invoke the protective angel of Pisces to ask for his help and protection?

The protective angel of Pisces is the angel Barchiel, also known as the angel of mercy and compassion. Here are the steps to invoke it:

1. **Find a quiet place**: The first step towards any spiritual invocation is to find a quiet place where you can concentrate without interruptions. This can be a special corner in your house, a quiet room, or even outdoors if the weather permits.

2. **Meditate**: Close your eyes, breathe deeply and try to empty your mind of intrusive thoughts. Focus on your connection to the universe and the divine energy that flows through you.

3. **Visualize Barchiel**: Visualize the energy of Barchiel around you. Since he is the angel of mercy, you can imagine him surrounded by blue light, a color associated with healing and compassion.

4. **Talk directly to Barchiel**: Now that you feel in tune with Barchiel's energy, you can start talking directly to him. Tell him exactly what you need, whether you're looking for protection, guidance, or emotional support. Remember to be respectful and grateful. An example of what you can say is: «Barchiel, angel of mercy, I humbly ask you to give me your protection and guidance. Help me find peace and balance in my life

5. **Listen**: After you have said your wishes, take a moment to listen. You might feel a sense of calm, have an inspired insight, or simply feel lighter. These are all signs that your invitation has been accepted.

6. **Thank Barchiel**: Before finishing your invocation, it is always important to thank your protective angel. You say something like: «Thank you, Barchiel, for your love and protection. I am eternally grateful for your guidance.

Remember that practice makes perfect. You may not feel an immediate connection the first time you try invoke your protective angel. However, with time, patience and practice, it will become easier and easier.

What connection does the protective angel of Pisces have with the spirituality and sensitivity characteristic of this sign?

The protective angel of Pisces is Angel Amnitziel, known as "the angel of mysticism and mystery." This guardian angel a close connection with the spirituality and sensitivity so characteristic of those born under the sign of Pisces.

Spirituality in Pisces it is deep and rich. Pisceans are usually people who seek the transcendental meaning of life and are interested in questions of faith and spirituality. This is where the Angel Amnitziel plays a crucial role. It is the great facilitator of the spiritual path of these natives, helping them achieve a better understanding of themselves and the universe on a spiritual level.

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On the other hand, the sensibility It is one of the most striking features of this sign. Pisces are very intuitive and tend to have strong empathy towards others. This sensitivity is amplified and protected by the Angel Amnitziel. It emphasizes their compassion and guides them to use their intuition and empathy in positive ways, helping other people and finding harmony in their own lives.

Thus, the protective angel of Pisces, Angel Amnitziel, is a fundamental divine companion for Pisces, providing them with support on their spiritual path and protecting their sensitive emotional nature.

How does the protective angel of Pisces influence the character and personality of people born under this sign?

Protective angels exert a great influence in the life of people, including those born under the sign of Pisces. The protective angel of Pisces is Eiael, a celestial being who guides and protects all those who belong to this sign.

The Pisces personality is characterized by sensitivity, intuition, empathy and generosity, and Eiael enhances these traits even more. This angel nurtures Pisces' innate spirituality, allowing them to develop a strong connection with the universe and their own inner self. Through this connection, Pisces can access deep inner wisdom that helps them better understand the world around them and handle life's difficult situations with grace.

Eiael also helps Pisces stay grounded in reality, counteracting your tendency to daydream and get lost in your own thoughts. He protective angel acts as a beacon of light, guiding Pisces towards the realization of their dreams and aspirations.

On the other hand, Eiael brings to the Pisces a great capacity for compassion and forgiveness, fostering their love for others and their desire to help. Under the influence of this angel, Pisces are able to understand and feel the pain of others, as well as offer comfort and support.

In summary, the presence of Eiael in the lives of the Pisces results in deeply sensitive, intuitive and compassionate individuals, capable of navigating life with wisdom and empathy towards others.

What are the most recommended prayers or rituals to connect with the protective angel of Pisces?

The protective angel of Pisces is Ángel Barchiel, also known as the Angel of Mercy and of Sorry. To connect with this powerful being of light, you can perform the following prayers or rituals:

1. Morning Prayer for Angel Barchiel:

“Beloved Ángel Barchiel, I beg you, on this new day, to grant me your mercy and your forgiveness. Help me to free myself from any negative charge and flow like water, just as the sign Pisces teaches me. Surround me with your loving energy and guide me throughout the day. Amen."

2. Intuitive Meditation:

Find a quiet space in your home where you can focus and meditate quietly. Light a navy blue candle (representative of Pisces) and focus on its flame. Visualize the serene face of Barchiel and keep in your mind a clear intention of what you need (guidance, protection, understanding). Imagine its light filling every corner of your being. Do this meditation at least once a week.

3. Night Prayer for Angel Barchiel:

«Dear Ángel Barchiel, before resting, I appreciate your presence, your mercy and your protection in my life. I ask you to illuminate my dreams and keep me while I rest. Let me wake up refreshed and with a clear vision of my path. So be it. Amen."

Always remember that the connection with angelic beings depends on the sincerity and purity of your intentions. Keep your thoughts and heart open and have faith in their responses and signs. Lastly, always remember thank for your presence and help.

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