Ángel del Hogar: Nuestro Protector Silente en las Sombras del Hogar 1

Angel of the Home: Our Silent Protector in the Shadows of the Home

Before starting this essay, let's say a little prayer to open our hearts and minds: «Dear angels of the home, divine guardians who are always present, illuminate our path with your love and protection. So be it". Now let me share with you a brief but significant anecdote. A woman, whom we will call Mariela, experienced a series of unfortunate events in her life. However, one day she felt a comforting presence around her, as if someone was watching over her and protecting her. That was his first meeting with him. angel of the home.

Who is the angel of the home?

He angel of the home, also known as a guardian angel or protective angel, is considered a divine messenger who helps maintain harmony, peace and protection within our homes. Its main function is to provide us with a feeling of security and comfort in our most intimate and familiar spaces.

The Presence of the Angel of the Home

The presence of the angel of home It can emotionally manifest itself in different ways. Some people may feel a sweet, inexplicable calm, while others may feel an invisible light enveloping their homes. For many, the home angel is more than a simple protector. He is a faithful companion, a heavenly confidant who shares our joys, our sorrows, our victories and defeats.

The role of the home angel in our lives

He home angel It not only protects us and our loved ones. It also serves as a constant reminder of our connection to the divine. It helps us remember that we are not alone in this vast universe, and that we always have divine guidance and comfort.

Returning to Mariela, she began to notice small changes in her home after her encounter with her home angel. She began to feel safer and more protected, despite the adversities she faced. Every night before going to sleep, I prayed a little prayer thanking your angel of home. Every morning, I felt renewed energy and inner peace that I had never experienced before. Mariela no longer felt alone in her fight.

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How to connect with our home angel?

To establish a strong connection with our angel of the home, it is essential that we open our hearts to divinity. We can do this through prayer, meditation, keeping our home clean and full of positive vibes. We can also talk to our angel of home, although it seems strange. The angels are heavenly beings Responsive and always willing to help. We just have to ask for your help.

A life in harmony with the angel of the home

Finally, live in harmony with our home angel does not mean that we will never face difficulties. It means that, no matter what challenges arise, we will always have a spiritual strength powerful and loving. Like Mariela, each of us can experience the protection and unconditional love of our angel of home. Through this divine connection, we become stronger, more resilient, and find a deeper sense of peace and purpose in our lives.

So let us always remember that in every corner of our home, in every shared laugh, in every shed tear and in every whispered prayer, our home angel is present, watching over us, protecting us and guiding us in our way to divine love and light.

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How to invoke the protective angel of the home to provide security and peace?

The invocation to protective angel of Home is an act of faith and devotion that seeks to provide security, peace and harmony in our most sacred place. Here I present the steps to do it:

1. **Preparation:** For the invocation to be successful, you need to be in a state of calm and serenity. Find a quiet place in your home and light a white candle to symbolize purity and divine light.

2. **Intention:** Clearly define your intention before starting. You can write it on paper if you want. In this case, your intention would be to ask for protection and peace for your home.

3. **Invocation:** When you are ready, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then, recite the following prayer:

«Protective angel of my home, I call on you on this sacred day. I ask you to fill my home with security and peace, to protect all of us who live in it and to pour out your blessings on us. May your wings cover us and your light illuminate every corner. I thank you for your unconditional love and protection. Amen."

4. **Meditation:** After saying the prayer, meditate for a few minutes, visualizing like the light of the angel Fill your home and protect everyone who lives in it. Feel the peace and tranquility that this light brings with you.

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5. **Thank you:** Finally, thank your protective angel for your presence and help. Extinguish the candle and keep the paper with your intention in a safe place.

Remember that faith and intention are the keys in this process. The connection with your protective angel gets stronger every time You perform this invocation, thus bringing more peace and security to your home.

What does it take to attract the presence of a protective angel in our home?

To attract the presence of a protective angel in our home, it is important to take the following steps into account:

1. Faith and belief: The first thing you need to attract protective angels is to have faith and believe in their existence. Angels respond to the energy of our faith and beliefs.

2. Invocation: Invocation is a powerful tool for calling angels. You can do this through prayer or specific meditations. It is important to do it with a clear and precise intention, always maintaining a pure heart and sincere intentions.

3. Space purification: Angels are beings of light and love, so they are attracted to clean and orderly spaces. Home purification can be done by removing unnecessary objects, physical cleansing, and spiritual cleansing (such as using incense or sage).

4. Love and gratitude: Expressing love and gratitude regularly will send a positive signal to the angels. This act of kindness and recognition can help attract these divine beings into your life.

5. Create an altar: A physical equivalent of your faith and devotion can be helpful in attracting angels. It can be as simple as a candle with an image of an angel, or as complex as you want. The purpose is for it to be a space dedicated to connecting with angels.

6. Contemplation and meditation: Spending time each day in contemplation and meditation can help tune your energy with that of the angels. During this time, you can ask for His protection, guidance and help.

Remember, angels are always around us, waiting for us to allow them into our lives. Invoke them with love, sincerity and pure intention, and you will surely have their protection and guidance in your home.

What is the best time or moment to communicate with the angel of the home?

The best time to contact him home angel, also known as the guardian angel of the home, may vary depending on individual traditions and beliefs. However, a commonly recommended time is during sunrise either to become night, when day and night are in balance.

These times of day are considered times of transition and balance, similar to how our homes serve as spaces of transition and balance between our inner and outer world.

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To try to establish this communication, you can create a quiet space in your home, free of distractions, to meditate and focus on your intentions. Dedicating specific time each day to this act can help strengthen your connection with your protective angel.

Remember that faith and intention are the keys in these spiritual practices, along with patience and openness to receive any message or sign from your home angel.

How can I know if the home's guardian angel is present?

Knowing if the home's protective angel is present may require some sensitivity, since these are beings of energy and light, not always visible or tangible. However, here I mention some signs that could indicate its presence:

1. Feeling of peace: Angels often bring a sense of calm and tranquility. If you feel a positive change in the atmosphere of your home, it may be a sign of the presence of your protective angel.

2. Mild appearances: We generally cannot see angels with our physical eyes, but sometimes they may appear as flashes of light or colors, soft shadows, or blurred silhouettes in the corner of the eye.

3. Invisible presences: You can feel a presence in the room, as if someone else is there, even though you can't see anyone. You may also experience a sensation of warmth, sparks on the skin, or positive chills without any physical explanation.

4. Meaningful dreams: Protective angels can also communicate with you through dreams. If you have a dream that feels especially real, lucid, or meaningful, it may be a message from your angel.

5. Lost and found: Sometimes angels can help us find things we have lost. If an item you have been searching for appears unexpectedly, it may be the work of your guardian angel.

Remember that angels respect our free will, so it is always useful to invite them and ask for their protection and guidance. Faith and clear intention are strong tools to connect with these beings of light.

Are there special rituals to enhance the connection with our home angel?

Yes, there are special rituals to enhance the connection with our home angel. These rituals help strengthen our relationship with them, allowing us to receive their guidance and protection in a more intense way.

The first ritual is the Prayer. Prayer is simply a conversation with your protective angel. You must find a quiet and peaceful place in your home, light a white candle symbolizing purity and innocence and enter into communion with your angel.

The second ritual is The meditation. This practice can help you tune into the energy of your protective angel. Try to visualize your angel during your meditation, imagine yourself surrounded by his light and love.

The third ritual is the Creation of an Altar. You can dedicate a space in your home to your protective angel, where you place objects that you consider sacred or special. It can be a statue of an angel, precious stones, incense, photographs of loved ones, among other elements that seem appropriate to you.

Finally, gratitude it's a important daily ritual to maintain the connection with your home angel. Before going to sleep, be grateful for everything you have received during the day and ask for protection during the night.

Remember that angels are always there for us, but it is up to us to open ourselves and receive their love and protection. Therefore, any ritual you perform must be done with faith, love and an open mind.

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