El Ángel del Karma 1

The Angel of Karma

In the name of all that is divine and sacred, I pray to our heavenly protectors, the angels of karma, to give us light on our path and guide us towards truth and justice.

«I remember that winter, my actions that year had not been the best. And in my desperation, I cried out for a change, a redemption. That's when I discovered angel of the karma, the mirror of our actions, the beacon of divine justice. My sorrows began to diminish, my guilt faded away; "I had found the way."

Who is the Angel of Karma?

He angel of karma is a divine being who belongs to the celestial hierarchy. This angel has the mission of balancing our lives through the universal laws of karma. Karma, a word derived from Sanskrit, translates as action or fact, and is understood as the law of cause and effect that governs our lives.

The function of the Angel of Karma

This angelic being has an important job, since he is in charge of enforcing the laws of karma. When we perform positive or negative actions, they are not forgotten, because the universe remembers them and returns them. This is where our protector, the angel of karma, comes into play, who makes sure that every action has a corresponding reaction.

The Spiritual Message of the Angel of Karma

He angel of karma is not only in charge of balancing our lives, but also sends us valuable messages. It urges us to reflect on our actions, to be aware of our actions and to understand that each decision has an impact on our life and in that of the the rest.

Communication with the Angel of Karma

Like any other angel, the angel of karma is always ready to communicate with us. Meditation is an excellent tool to achieve connection with this divine being. By entering a state of calm and concentration, we can open our minds and hearts to its messages.

The Importance of the Angel of Karma in our lives

Have a close relationship with karma angel can help us live a better life more balanced and fair. It is a constant reminder that each of our actions has consequences, and motivates us to act in a positive and altruistic way.

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Now let me tell you a story that illustrates the power of this divine being. This anecdote will lead to a reflection on how we can manifest the essence of this protector in our lives.

One day, in a chaotic city full of disorder, a woman named Rebeca led a life full of bitterness and misfortune. His decisions were full of selfishness and vanity, and this was reflected in his environment. Desperate, she asked the heavens for help and that was when the karma angel came to her.

From that moment on, Rebeca began to notice obvious changes. His life didn't change overnight, but every selfish attitude became a lesson learned through difficult situations. However, each of her acts of kindness came back to her multiplied, allowing her to experience peace and happiness.

Over time, Rebeca understood the value of her actions and the true meaning of karma. Since then, he cultivated a life full of love and generosity, under the guidance of karma angel.

This story shows us that each individual has in their hands the power to modify their destiny and the course of their life. He angel of karma teaches us that divine justice It is infallible and manifests itself in our daily lives. Every act, every word and every decision has a weight on our path. Consciousness, reflection and love are key elements that this divine protector wants to instill in us.

Let us always remember to look for the guidance of our angel of karmaLet us allow ourselves to learn from our experiences and walk towards a life full of love and balance.

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Who is the protective angel of karma and what is its function?

He protective angel of karma is known as Angel Chamuel. This angel is one of the seven archangels and is credited with managing and managing karma, as well as promoting unconditional love and compassion on earth.

The name "Chamuel" is translated from Hebrew as "He who seeks God" either "He who sees God«, which emphasizes his role as a spiritual guide who helps us seek and find the divine light within ourselves.

Chamuel's main function is help people understand and overcome the consequences of karma, both positive and negative. This protective angel helps individuals learn from their mistakes and grow spiritually from their past experiences. In doing so, Chamuel helps people free themselves from negative karmic cycles and move forward on a path of love, forgiveness, and spiritual growth.

Chamuel also plays an important role in the promotion of love and compassion. This protective angel inspires people to love others unconditionally and show compassion towards all living creatures. Through this mission, Chamuel helps sow the seeds of kindness and love in the earth, which in turn helps alleviate suffering and bring peace and harmony to the world.

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How can I call on the angel of karma for protection and guidance?

Invoking the angel of karma, also known as the angel of fairness, can be a powerful part of any spiritual practice. This angel can help you understand the implications of your actions and how you can make a better choice to create a positive future.

Here is a step by step process on how you can invoke it:

1. **Prepare your space:** Find a quiet place where you can be alone and free of distractions. This place should be calm and peaceful. You can light a candle or incense if you wish to help create a sacred atmosphere.

2. **Meditate:** Sit comfortably with your feet on the floor and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and let yourself feel your body and mind relaxing. This is crucial to opening your consciousness and preparing for divine communication.

3. **Summon the Angel of Karma:** Now, in your mind or out loud, say something like this: «Angel of Karma, I call you now. I ask you to help me understand the laws of karma and how they apply to my life. I need your guidance and protection as I navigate my decisions and actions. Please show me the way.

4. **Listen:** After a moment, keep your mind open and simply listen. The Angel of Karma can communicate with you in several ways: you might feel a different energy in the room, have a sudden vision or thought, or even hear a voice in your head. Have faith and trust that the angel is there with you, working through your subconscious.

5. **Be Thankful:** When you feel that your summoning session is over, thank the Angel of Karma for his help and guidance. Something simple like "Thank you, Angel of Karma, for your protection and wisdom" It will be enough.

Remember that angels are always willing to help, but they respect your free will. You should always ask for their help explicitly and be open to receiving it.

What is the relationship between the karma angel and other protective angels?

The **angel of karma**, often also called the angel of justice, has a very important role within the angelic hierarchy. This angel is responsible for managing and overseeing karma, or the spiritual consequences of our actions and decisions in life.

The relationship between karma angel and other angels protectors is about **collaboration and cooperation**. While the karma angel focuses on maintaining balance and justice, protective angels are dedicated to protecting and guiding human beings in their daily lives.

Although each angel has their own specific function, they all work together with the common goal of **facilitating our spiritual evolution**. Protective angels frequently communicate with the angel of karma to better understand how to help each individual on their unique path, taking into account their past actions and the karmic lessons they need to learn.

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It is important to understand that despite their different roles, there is no hierarchy or competition among angels. Instead, there is a **harmonious collaboration**, where each angel contributes their own unique energy and abilities to assist human beings on their spiritual journey.

What signs can the angel of karma send me as my protector?

The angel of karma, also known as Angel of Justice or Angel of Balance, is the one in charge of maintaining balance in our life and our environment. Next, I will mention some signs that this angel can send you as your protector:

1. Repetitive Situations: When you are experiencing similar situations over and over again, it is likely that the angel of karma is trying to teach you an important lesson for your spiritual growth.

2. chance encounters: If you constantly encounter certain people or chance events that seem to carry a hidden message, it may be a sign from the angel of karma. These coincidences often lead to important opportunities or lessons.

3. Unexplainable Mood Swings: Sometimes he angel of karma use your emotions to communicate with you. It can make you feel discomfort, sadness, or even extreme joy to help you understand the karma you are creating.

4. Recurring visions or dreams: Lucid dreams or constant visions can be another sign from the angel of karma. In these dreams, you could see situations from your past, present or future life that need balance.

5. Numerology: You may notice repeated number sequences, such as 11:11, 222, 333, etc. Each number has a specific meaning in numerology and could indicate a message from the angel of karma.

Remember that these signs are only guides. The ultimate purpose of the Karma Angel is to help you learn, grow, and find balance in your life. It is crucial that you become aware of these signs and learn to interpret them in order to apply the teachings in your life.

How does the energy and protection of the angel of karma manifest in our daily lives?

The energy of the **angel of karma** manifests in our daily lives through a series of occurrences and events that are much more than simple coincidences. This powerful celestial being plays a crucial role in guiding us towards a path of balance and harmony, ensuring that we receive the result our actions deserve.

First of all, **the protection of the angel of karma is evident in the life lessons we live**. We often face difficult situations, moments of trial and error. But, all these experiences teach us valuable lessons and help us evolve spiritually. It's the angel of karma who makes sure we learn from our mistakes and don't repeat the same negative patterns.

Secondly, **this angel helps us free ourselves from the burden of our past thoughts and actions**. Many times we can feel trapped by the weight of our old decisions or tormented by the guilt of having done something wrong. In these cases, the angel of karma intervenes to remind us that forgiveness and liberation are possible. He encourages us to seek redemption and rectify our mistakes.

Furthermore, **the angel of karma also manifests through the synchronicities and signs of the universe**. When we experience significant coincidences, or find recurring patterns in our lives, we must understand that they are signs sent by this angel. These signs are their way of communicating with us and guiding us towards the right path.

In sum, the energy and protection of the angel of karma are revealed in the life lessons we experience, in the alleviation of our past guilts and fears, and through the signs and synchronicities we receive in our daily lives. Paying attention to these aspects will allow us to better tune in to its energy and live a life of balance and harmony.

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