El Ángel del Sábado: Tu Protector Celestial en el Día de Reposo 1

The Angel of Saturday: Your Heavenly Protector on the Sabbath Day

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I call upon you, Angel of Saturday. In the midst of chaos and discord, you are a beacon of peace, love and wisdom that guides us along the path of life.

Let me tell you a story that illustrates its prodigious influence on our lives.

That morning, Juan woke up with an unusual feeling of discomfort. He had a strange feeling, as if he sensed something imminent. But he didn't give it much importance, he prepared for his normal day of work. While he was in his office, stress was beginning to win the battle. Just at that moment, he felt a light touch on his shoulder, as he turned around expecting to see someone, he only found emptiness. However, a feeling of peace and tranquility washed over him. Calm, he continued with his tasks and later learned that an accident had occurred at the place he usually visited for lunch. John, without a doubt, experienced divine protection, attributed to our Angel of Saturday.

Who is the Angel of Saturday?

He angel of the Saturday is one of the seven archangels mentioned in Jewish tradition, and which has subsequently been adopted in many other religions and esoteric currents. According to some beliefs, each day of the week is ruled by a different angel, and Saturday corresponds to the Angel Cassiel, also known like the "angel" of Loneliness and Tears. This heavenly protector helps free us from old patterns that no longer serve our evolution and to gain new perspective and patience.

How to invoke the Angel of Saturday

To establish connection with the Angel of Saturday You can choose various techniques, from prayer, meditation to the repetition of mantras. It is important to express your concerns and ask for his guidance with humility and respect. It is essential to have faith and be open to receiving their influence and assistance.

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Encounters with the Angel of Saturday

The signs of the angel of Saturday can be subtle, just as it happened with Juan, sometimes we just need to pay attention to the small details, feel the energy and flow with it. He won't always knock on your door in an obvious way, but trust, he is always there.

The message of the Angel of Saturday

The message of the angel of Saturday It's clear: you have the power to overcome any obstacle in your path, as long as you are willing to let go of the old to make way for the new. He reminds us that patience and he Rest is as important as action on our path to success.

Let us now return to the story of John. After his experience, Juan realized the miracle who had lived and thanked the Angel with all his heart of Saturday. From then on, every Saturday, I dedicated a moment of the day to connect with this angel, thanking him for his protection and care.

Like John, each of us can experience the guidance and protection of these beings of light. We simply need to open our hearts and pay attention to the subtle signals they send us, trusting in their presence and help. The Angel of Saturday is here to help us free ourselves from loneliness, find comfort in our moments of sadness, and remind us that even on our darkest days, there is always hope.

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Who is the protective angel of Saturday and what is its main function?

He protective angel of saturday is Cassiel .

Cassiel, also known as the angel of temperance and solitude, is one of the seven archangels who are enthroned in the seventh heaven. He is one of only two angels (the other being Uriel) who does not originate from Jewish or Christian lineages.

The principal function Cassiel's is to provide wisdom, balance and patience . He is said to be the angel of tears and is the patron of all those who feel that they carry the world on their shoulders. Cassiel helps people learn to let go and trust the universe.

In addition to this, Cassiel is also tasked with ruling over the Sabbath. It is during this day that his influence is maximum and he can be invoked to seek guidance and help.

How can I invoke the protective angel of Saturday to receive his protection and wisdom?

First, it is important to understand that each angel has its own name and attributes. The angel of Saturday is Cassiel, who is recognized as the angel of loneliness and tears. He is believed to be the guardian of those who are lonely and those who have reached the end of their lives.

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Here is a step by step guide to invoke the protective angel Cassiel:

1. Preparation: Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted. You can light a white candle and burn some incense if you wish, as these elements can help create an atmosphere of peace and serenity.

2. Position: Sit or stand in a comfortable position. You can extend your hands forward or hold them together in a prayer position, depending on what makes you feel most at peace.

3. Invocation: Say loudly but calmly: «Angel Cassiel, protector of the Sabbath, I request your presence. I call on you to give me your wisdom and protection. Help me understand and accept the circumstances of loneliness, and teach me to find peace and strength within myself.

4. Meditation: Close your eyes and breathe deeply, keeping the image of Cassiel in your mind. Imagine its bright, calm light surrounding you.

5. Gratitude: End the invocation with words of gratitude, such as: “Thank you, Cassiel, for your presence and your protection. I ask you to continue guiding me with your wisdom and strength.

Remember to be patient, as you may not feel Cassiel's presence immediately. The key is perseverance and faith in this process.

It is important to mention that this is a general method and may vary depending on personal beliefs and customs.

What kind of assistance or help can I expect to receive from the protective angel of the Sabbath?

He protective angel of saturday is Cassiel, also known as the angel of temperance and solitude. This angel is frequently depicted with a thoughtful and calm attitude.

The help you can expect to receive from Cassiel focuses on promoting balance and the patience in your life. If you are going through a period of stress, conflict, or rapid change, Cassiel's influence can help you find the stability and serenity needed to navigate these challenges.

In addition, Cassiel assists you in the search for the introspection and the self-reflection. As the angel of solitude, he favors moments of stillness and meditation that allow the individual to connect with themselves and their purpose in life.

Last but not least, Cassiel can offer you protection and guidance during difficult situations, providing you with the strength and wisdom to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. So, if you find yourself in the middle of a crisis or facing great adversity, you can seek support from this angel to find the way to follow.

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Remember that the relationship with your protective angel is unique and personal. Feel free to explore different ways to communicate with Cassiel and discover how her energy can enrich and harmonize your life.

Is there a specific ritual or prayer that must be done to contact the Sabbath angel?

Yes, there are certain practices that can be done to invoke the presence of the angel Saturday, known as Cassiel. I must emphasize that this is an act of faith and respect, not a game or mere superstition.

Here I share a possible ritual:

1. **Preparation of Space and Attitude**: Before starting the ritual, it is very important that you clean your physical and mental space. A quiet and calm environment is ideal for this process.

2. Candle lighting: It is common to use a white candle to represent purity and light. This lights up just before starting the prayer.

3. **Meditation:** It is advisable to meditate a few minutes before prayer to achieve sincerity and concentration in prayer. Imagine a protective light around you to help you focus.

4. Prayer to the Angel Cassiel: ''Oh, great angel Cassiel! You who have the ability to help me change my life, I request your help and your guidance. Give me the strength and courage I need to overcome obstacles. Help me to be at peace with myself and better understand my emotions. I thank you for always watching over me and protecting me. Amen''.

5. **Thankfulness**: At the end of the prayer, it is always important to thank for divine help. You can say something simple like, "Thank you, Cassiel, for your guidance and protection."

Remember that this is just a guide. The true connection with these beings of light comes from the heart and the sincere intention to ask for their help and guidance. Keep your mind and heart open to the signs and messages that may come to you after the prayer or ritual.

How does the protective angel of Saturday appear in dreams or visions?

The protective angel of Saturday, known as Uriel, manifests itself in a characteristic way in dreams or visions.

First of all, Uriel usually introduces himself with a golden glow. It is a color that is related to wisdom and knowledge, the main gifts that this protective angel grants to his protected ones.

Besides, Uriel He often appears dressed in long, warm-toned clothing, usually red, orange or yellow. These shades represent passion for life, enthusiasm and positive energy.

Regarding his attitude, Uriel is known for his calm and compassionate behavior. This angel shows unwavering calm and infinite patience.

In some visions or dreams, Uriel can appear holding a book or scroll, symbolizing its association with wisdom and knowledge.

Finally, it is important to mention that Uriel's presence is felt as a sensation of overwhelming peace and tranquility. Upon arrival, fears and worries disappear, making way for clarity and understanding.

In summary, the protective angel of Saturday, Uriel, appears in dreams or visions with a golden glow, long garments of warm colors, a serene and compassionate attitude and may be accompanied by a book or scroll. His presence brings peace and tranquility, as well as clarity and understanding.

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