Despierta a tu Ángel del Sueño: El Guardián Nocturno de tus Anhelos Celestiales 1

Wake up your Dream Angel: The Night Guardian of your Heavenly Longings

Dear beings of light, protective angels, silent guardians of our souls. This prayer is for you, dream angel, protector of our dreams and guide in our darkest nights. Allow us to discover your mystery, understand you and feel you in every breath of our lives.

One night, during a very lucid dream, I felt the presence of a luminous, benevolent and very peaceful being. I was lost in a dark forest, full of fears and doubts. Suddenly, a bright light appeared on my inner horizon and a angel of the dream it appeared…

The Mystery of the Dream Angel

In the angelic realm, the dream angel, also known like the angel Guardian of dreams, he is a celestial being in charge of protecting our nocturnal journeys, giving us a peaceful sleep and a kind and rejuvenating awakening. In the vastness of the spiritual universe, this wonderful angel fulfills his mission tirelessly, providing protection, guidance and healing through our dreams.

Who is the Angel of Dream?

He angel of the dream He is a divine messenger specialized in the sphere of dreams. Its task is to help us navigate the sometimes disturbing waters of our subconscious mind during sleep, helping us understand and remember our dreams and find meaning and guidance in them.

Communication with the Dream Angel

He dream angel It communicates with us in many ways: through the symbols, archetypes, images and emotions we experience in our dreams. By learning to understand these messages, we can begin to connect more deeply with our own inner being and discover guidance and wisdom. that our angel of dream is trying to convey to us.

The Invocation of the Angel of Dream

To invoke the presence of your angel of dream, you can recite a prayer or mantra before bed, asking Him to protect you while you sleep and guide you through your dreams. You can also create a sacred space in your room, filling the environment with peace and harmony to facilitate their arrival.

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Stories of the Dream Angel

Returning to that night, to that lucid dream full of darkness and fear. I remember feeling overwhelming peace upon seeing this glowing entity, its presence filling my entire being with love and light. He told me without words, only with emotions, "Do not be afraid, I am here with you now, I am your dream angel!».

In that moment, everything changed, the dark forest vanished and a beautiful landscape of serenity and peace replaced it. That experience left a positive mark on me and since that day, every time I close my eyes to sleep, I feel the warmth and protection that my angel gives me of the dream.

Dear seekers of truth, now you know, if you find yourself wandering through a dark forest in your dreams, do not be afraid, call upon your dream angel, he will guide you through the darkness into the light of love and understanding. Remember, we are constantly protected and loved by these beings of light. May the angels illuminate your path!

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Angel Face Chapter 13 Part 2

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Who is the protective angel in the dream and what is its main meaning?

He protective angel of dream is known as Guardian Angel or the Dream Angel. This angel has the specific mission of protecting our dreams, calming our minds, and giving us peaceful rest.

The main meaning of this angel is the protection, since it is believed to watch over us while we sleep, warding off nightmares and any negative energy that may affect our peace of mind. This includes protection against nightmares, sleep paralysis and other sleep disorders.

Furthermore, it is believed that the Dream Angel can leave divine messages in our hearts. dreams. Therefore, another key aspect of its meaning is spiritual communication. If you have vivid or recurring dreams, you could be receiving a communication from this angel.

In summary, the Dream Angel is a heavenly protector that offers Peace and security during our rest hours and can serve as a bridge to receive divine messages through our dreams.

How can the sleep angel help improve the quality of our rest?

He Angel of the Dream, also known as the Protective Angel of Rest, has a very important role in our physical and emotional well-being. This angel is responsible for ensuring the quality of our sleep and rest, fundamental elements to maintain a healthy balance in our lives.

One of the biggest problems in today's society is the lack of a peaceful and restful sleep. Stress, worries and constant pressure can alter the quality of our rest, affecting both our physical and mental health. This is where the Dream Angel.

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This protective angel can help us free our minds from the stresses of everyday life and accompanies us during our sleeping hours to guarantee a deep and restful rest. When we invoke this angel before going to bed, we are asking for his help to achieve a state of total relaxation that allows us to fall asleep easily.

Furthermore, the Dream Angel can also help us understand our dreams. Many times, our dreams are a reflection of our worries or situations that we need to resolve. This angel can give us the light necessary to understand these subconscious messages and face them in a more positive way.

To connect with him Dream Angel, you can perform a small prayer or meditation before going to sleep, asking Him to protect you during your rest and help you release all your worries. Always remember to thank them for their protection when you wake up.

Thus, with the help of Dream Angel, we can significantly improve the quality of our rest, favoring not only our physical health, but also our mental peace.

Are there specific prayers we can address to the dream angel before going to sleep?

Of course yes, they exist specific prayers dedicated to the angel of sleep, also known as the guardian angel. These prayers are intended to entrust our rest and our dreams to this celestial being, asking for protection and guidance while we sleep. Here is a prayer you could say before going to sleep:

Prayer to the Angel of Dream

"Loved Dream Angel, I call upon you tonight with deep love and respect. I ask you to accompany me during my rest and protect me in your divine protection.

Make my sleep a moment of peace and repair, free of worries and fears. Envelop my mind and spirit in your heavenly light, allowing them to be renewed and purified.

Guide my dreams so that they are clear and uplifting, teach me the lessons I need to learn and guide my thoughts towards the path of love and truth.

I beg you to keep away any nightmare or negative energy that could disturb my rest. May in your presence, nothing be able to disturb the serenity of my sleep.

I trust in your heavenly protection and guidance, dear Angel of Dream. I know that you will be with me until dawn, ensuring my well-being and peace of mind.

Sweet Dream Angel, thank you for your loving care. I will rest safely under your watch. Amen

This is just a sample of the many prayers you can offer to the Dream Angel. Always remember to do so with certainty in your heart that you are heard and protected.

READ:   The Angel of Balance: Finding Harmony Within Ourselves through Heavenly Guidance

How can we summon or communicate with our dream angel to seek his protection and guidance?

First and foremost, you should know that we all have a protective or guardian angel assigned to us. This angel is with you from the moment of your birth, protects you, guides you and is always willing to help you. one of the many angels with whom we can communicate is the angel of the dream.

To summon or communicate with your dream angel, you must follow the following steps:

1. Preparation: Find a quiet place where you can be alone and at peace. Take a moment to relax and calm down. You can light a candle or incense if you wish to help create an atmosphere of serenity.

2. Invitation: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then, in your mind or out loud, invite your dream angel to be with you. You could say something like, “Angel of Dream, I invite you to be with me right now. I need your protection and guidance in my dreams.

3. Concentration: Now, visualize your dream angel in your mind. Imagine an angelic figure enveloped in bright, peaceful, loving light standing or sitting in front of you.

4. Communication: Express your wishes, concerns or requests to your dream angel. Remember, angels respond to sincerity, so don't hesitate to express your true self.

5. Listen: After communicating with your dream angel, spend some time listening. Open your heart and mind to the messages your angel may send you.

To maintain a strong relationship with your dream angel, communicate with him regularly. You should also thank him for his protection and guidance after each interaction.

Remember that communication with angels is based on faith and patience. Don't despair if you don't get immediate answers. Angels communicate in many ways, including through dreams, sensations, sudden thoughts, and synchronicities. So keep your heart and mind open, and soon you might receive the guidance and protection of your angel dream.

What symbolism or signs should we look for in our dreams that may indicate the presence or message of the dream angel?

The symbolism of dreams can be very deep and personal, but there are certain universal signs that can indicate the presence or message of the dream angel. Although each person can have an individual interpretation of their dreams, here we present some possible symbolism in this context:

1. bright lights: Many times, the presence of an angel in our dreams can be accompanied by bright lights or flashes. Whenever you see a bright light in your dream that attracts you, it may be indicating angelic presence.

2. Feeling of peace: Dreams in which you experience a deep sense of peace and tranquility may be another sign of the presence of your protective angel.

3. winged figures: If you see figures with wings or beings with a luminous appearance, this can be a clear indication of the presence of angels.

4. heavenly music: Sometimes soft music or celestial chants can signal that an angel is trying to communicate with you.

5. Direct messages: Sometimes an angel can give you a message directly in your dreams – they may appear and talk to you, or show you images and symbols that you must interpret.

6. fly or float: Dreaming that you are flying or floating is often associated with freedom and spiritual reach. This may also be a message from your protective angel.

It's important to remember that angels are spiritual guides who seek to help us on our life path, offering us love, support and direction. To understand their messages, you have to be open and willing to listen. The exact interpretation of dreams will always depend on our personal experiences and contexts.

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