angel for reason

Descubriendo la Luz Protectora: Revelando el Nombre del Ángel del Portal de Belén 3

Discovering the Protective Light: Revealing the Name of the Angel of the Portal of Bethlehem

In the name of the Creator, the loving, the merciful, I begin these words. Let me tell you a little personal anecdote that led me to discover the name of the angel at the portal of Bethlehem. My encounter with the angels A while ago, I had the opportunity to visit Bethlehem. In this sacred place, I felt a very divine presence

Discovering the Protective Light: Revealing the Name of the Angel of the Portal of Bethlehem Read More »

El Ángel del Karma 4

The Angel of Karma

In the name of all that is divine and sacred, I pray to our heavenly protectors, the angels of karma, to give us light on our path and guide us towards truth and justice. «I remember that winter, my actions that year had not been the best. And in my desperation, I cried out for a change,

The Angel of Karma Read More »

Seraphim: Ángeles del Orden Jerárquico Más Alto, Nuestros Protectores Celestiales de Luz Suprema 5

Seraphim: Angels of the Highest Hierarchical Order, Our Celestial Protectors of Supreme Light

«In the harmony of the universe, there is an angelic hierarchy that protects and guides us. May the angel of the highest hierarchical order be eternally present in our hearts, guiding us towards the divine light. It's a beautiful sunrise and I'm in a small cabin surrounded by nature. Suddenly, a feeling of peace and tranquility

Seraphim: Angels of the Highest Hierarchical Order, Our Celestial Protectors of Supreme Light Read More »

Ángel del Éxito: Guiando Nuestros Pasos Hacia la Realización de Nuestros Sueños Más Anhelados 11

Angel of Success: Guiding Our Steps Towards the Realization of Our Most Desired Dreams

Please allow me to start with a small prayer. "Angel of Success, winged messenger of sublime prosperity, give us the grace of your guidance, illuminating our paths as we advance in this life." Let me share an anecdote with you. There was a time in my life when I felt helpless, lost in the paths of my existence.

Angel of Success: Guiding Our Steps Towards the Realization of Our Most Desired Dreams Read More »

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