Angel per month

Ángel de Octubre: Un Protector Celestial Siembra Bendiciones de Cosecha en Tu Vida 3

October Angel: A Celestial Protector Sows Harvest Blessings in Your Life

I begin the prayer by saying: «Guardian angels of the future, givers of celestial synchronicities, provide us with understanding and guidance. Grant us the gift of wisdom that your perpetual light houses. So be it." Some time ago, a woman named Rosa lived a captivating experience with her guardian angel, an event that would impact her life exponentially. But we will leave that story

October Angel: A Celestial Protector Sows Harvest Blessings in Your Life Read More »

Ángel de Septiembre: Descubriendo la Luz Protectora de Nuestro Guardián Celestial del Noveno Mes 4

September Angel: Discovering the Protective Light of Our Celestial Guardian of the Ninth Month

Initial prayer: **»September Angel, divine protector and light in the shadow, I call upon you in this sacred moment. Guide me on this journey of self-discovery and help me strengthen my connection with you.”** Now, allow me to share an anecdote about an encounter with the angel of September. It was during a cold autumn morning, in the first days

September Angel: Discovering the Protective Light of Our Celestial Guardian of the Ninth Month Read More »

Ángel de Junio: El Guardián Celestial del Verano y Su Influencia Protectora en Nuestras Vidas 7

June Angel: The Celestial Guardian of Summer and His Protective Influence on Our Lives

In the heart of each dawn of the month of June, I feel the presence of an angelic being, a celestial guardian who seems to rule this month with his divine light. I then make a prayer to thank you for your guidance and protection: “Loving angel of June, protect me with your love, illuminate my days and nights with your light.”

June Angel: The Celestial Guardian of Summer and His Protective Influence on Our Lives Read More »

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