Eyael 1



Attribute: God, the joy of men.

Planet: Moon.

Angelic Choir: Guardians.

Sephirah: Yesod.

Regency hours: from 10pm to 10:20pm.

It is invoked for:

  • Take comfort in adversity and injustice.
  • To help us in the preservation of material goods obtained through work.
  • To have concentration on the study of mystical philosophy and religion.
  • Expand awareness and perception.
  • Help us with emotional changes.

Those born under your regency:

[sociallocker id=”356″]The who is born under this angel will be illuminated by the spirit of God. He will be solid in his endeavors, he will stand out in his studies and research in the high esoteric sciences, especially Kabbalah and Astrology. Influential and trustworthy, he does not approve of duplicity of opinions or dishonesty. He will transform all his dreams into projects and achievements since nothing crosses the limit of his possibilities. He is not an interested person (in the bad sense) but he likes demonstrations of affection, he will dedicate great attention to his family and never leaves a task unfinished for others. Your health will be favored because you will never commit excesses. Understanding that the body is the temple of the soul. [/sociallocker]

Bible quote:

Delight in the Lord,
and he will grant you the wishes of your *heart.

Psalm 37:4


Forty years of adversity had been enough to wipe out and impoverish the region that once enjoyed great wealth and prosperity. No one would have said, after contemplating such a desolate landscape, that Lujup had been a land of kings and power.

The only thing that seemed to remain intact, and which had miraculously survived those dismal years, was a high tower where the Twelve Elders were said to dwell, wise men whose mission was to maintain the balance in the Universe.

However, his work had failed, Lujup could hardly be a land of harmony and peace.

On the contrary, for 40 years it had been the scene where a great people, who one day were one, had divided, but not before destroying with war after war all that they had created and loved.

It all started one day when Prince Hesed decided to look for a wife. But that desire did not present any hindrance to his parents, if it were very soon, since the prince announced that he was not willing to get married as the custom established. He did not love Yesod, the princess with whom he was to be united, for that was agreed upon by the royal bonds.

- I love Princess Netzah. I know she is younger but my heart belongs to her," begged the handsome prince to his father.

- But my son, you know very well that if you marry Princess Netzah and reject Yesod, you will be violating the agreements.

- If it is not with the sweet Netzah, I do not get married," said Prince Hesed definitively.

His father knew his son very well and knew that nothing and no one would change his mind, and armed with courage he set forth in the great council the prince's decision.

You can imagine what happened. Princess Yesod's father was humiliated and asked for war. Nothing could stop Lujup from dividing into two kingdoms from then on.

Forty years of fighting had not been enough to end the disputes that maintained the kingdom of Fire and the kingdom of Water.

Some had the power to create the life-giving seed, however, the kingdom of Fire could not make that seed grow if it lacked the Water, whose power was to fertilize. They needed each other, but neither were willing to give up.

One day, a wandering traveller knocked at the doors of the Sanctuary where the Twelve Elders lived, and after giving his name the doors opened.

Everyone was very surprised, for no one was allowed to enter the Temple.

For three days and three nights the foreigner was talking to the Elders, and when he arrived at the fourth, he asked to meet the king of the lands of fire and the king of the lands of water.

He said his name was Eyael and he was a wise Astrologer who one day, while talking to the stars, received the mission to direct his steps to those lands with the purpose of returning his gift.

- May your children be united by love," he said to the kings. "May the fire be accommodated in the water and may the water give it its blessing.

And when they did, both kingdoms were merged into one and regained their gift: the Founding Creator Power.

Life flourished and grew. Everything multiplied with joy. Lujup became again that land where everyone would again experience the power of wealth, prosperity and above all wisdom.


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