Poyel 1



Attribute: God sustains the universe.

Planet: Mercury.

Angelic Choir: Archangels.

Sefirah: Hod.

Regency hours: from 6:20 p.m. to 1 8:40 a.m.

It is invoked for:

  • To be famous when we spread great philosophies.
  • To be fortunate in general.
  • Help us beat the lawsuits.

Those born under your regency:

[sociallocker id="356″]Those born under this influence will be esteemed by all because of their modesty and pleasant humor. Their fortune will be earned through their talent and good behavior. He considers getting almost everything he wants, and he will always be determined to learn and know all things in the world. In spite of his modest and fragile experience he will struggle to place himself in a favorable socio-economic position and thus obtain recognition for his talents, being able to be recognized all over the world. He is open to anything that is a symbol of vitality and generosity. He will know how to balance reason with passion, believes in saving people through love and is ready to help everyone. He will always work according to a spiritualist and Angelic philosophy. Optimistic, he will know how to emphasize the positive qualities of people and situations. With his charm he will illuminate the life of all those who approach him. [/sociallocker]

Bible quote:

Everyone's eyes are on you,
and in time you give them their food.

Psalm 145:15


From a very young age their lives had always been very close. They grew up and played together and in this way forged a solid friendship.

But the faces of destiny do not always smile at us, and one fine day, Neyes had to say goodbye to his inseparable companion Poyel.

Distance and time were unbreakable and little by little that ardent affection that one day united them was extinguished until it faded into a vague memory. It was the only thing left of a relationship that, just as it flourished, died.

Life went on and Poyel didn't waste any time. He had studied hard and fortune would reward his efforts.

He was number one in his class and had managed to gain the trust of all his classmates, who were constantly looking for him to advise them. The fame and reputation preceded the young Poyel wherever he went, however, nobody could ever observe in him a sample of pride, nor of vanity for feeling so admired.

What they praised most about him was precisely his constant modesty and moderate behavior.

He had just passed his studies and was already a new philosophy teacher. All that remained was for him to be able to exercise his career and providence made it possible for him to do so, but to do so he had to compete with another candidate who, like him, was running for that post.

Poyel worked tirelessly to produce a good presentation project. For years he had researched and now he had the opportunity to make his work known.

But fate came to bring him once again a new surprise. I could hardly believe it. He never thought that life would play such a dirty trick on him. He had to compete with Neyes, his inseparable childhood friend. He almost didn't recognize him, but that didn't matter in the least, because they celebrated that unexpected reunion with an emotional embrace.

The next few hours were spent together. They remembered the days of their childhood and laughed at some of the mischief they had then. But they both knew they had to talk about the professional subject and were afraid that that happiness would be clouded.

- My good friend Poyel, we must forget our friendship. I'm determined to take that place, my life depends on it. I must ask you not to present yourself, I am willing to do anything to achieve it and I would be very sorry to have to challenge you," said Neyes coldly.

Those words carried real ice and a deep charge of ambition. Poyel could not believe what his old friend had said and could hardly speak, for he felt a strong knot pressing against his throat.

- But how can you have changed so much? -I confess the young man is very upset.

- Life is hard, my friend, and only the strongest survive," Neyes answered sarcastically, as he walked away from it.

Eventually, both received a letter from the Ministry in response to their request, and Poyel was chosen to fill the position.

In spite of the tricks used by Neyes, they were of no use, since in the end providence knew how to reward the one who truly deserved to achieve it.


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