Achaiah 2



Name: Achaiah: "Good and patient God".

Choir: Seraphim, Angels in the service of Kether-Volunteer.Angel

What it gives:

  • Patience to endure life's calamities.
  • The discovery of nature's secrets.
  • Discovering the meaning of life when you have lost faith in everything.
  • The ability to innovate and see what is beyond the proven facts.
  • To combat laziness, neglect and carelessness.

Lesson: Overcoming conventional truths.

Planet: Neptune

Sephirah: Keter

Bible quote:

The Lord is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and great in love.

Psalm 103:8

Those born under your regency:


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They are very spiritual people but at the same time they have their feet on the ground. They look at the horizon but their minds are on the stars.

Even if you have no formal education, you will have knowledge that will make you an influential person. You will always be aware of the opportunities that life presents and through your intuition you will know how to accept risks and overcome dangers.

He is stubborn and tenacious and possesses a great ability to know all the points of view about situations. He is altruistic, immensely patient and understanding of everyone. He may be interested in communicating with nature using ultra-sensitive equipment or in studying the potential of the human brain.



Achaiah: "The Magic of Patience"

Of all the teachers in the school, Don Ivan was the most loved, and although many believed him to be a little crazy, it was also true that everyone considered him to be their favourite.

He wasn't a teacher like the others, no, he wasn't old-fashioned. His way of educating was very different, perhaps for many even eccentric, but the truth was that his students were very satisfied.

But if you want, you can check for yourself. Come with me to his class and take a seat, but keep silent, I beg you, because Don Ivan likes respect.

- Dear students, good morning to you all. Today we will study the secret of life," explained Don Iván as he walked among them. Let's see, you yourself, what do you think is necessary for life to take place? -I ask one of his students.

- Well, you see, Don Iván, all of a sudden I wouldn't know what to say to you," he said hesitantly.

- Well, what do you think," he asked another.

- Life, life, for there to be life you have to be alive, right Don Ivan? -I answer very nervously.

- Well, that's something," said Don Ivan, trying to cheer them up. But I have a better idea. There will be no exam this month, I only ask you one thing, I want an answer to my question. Whoever answers it will be approved.

Everyone agreed that they were happy not to have to study for the exam, but before the end of the class, Don Iván wanted to give them some advice.

- Don't think it's going to be easy for you, so be careful.

The class ran out of time and most of them ran away, wanting to have some fun. Only the young Achaiah stayed and did not want to miss the opportunity of being alone with Don Ivan to ask him something that worried him.

- Mr. Ivan, can you answer me a question?

- Like no little one, tell me, what are you worried about? -the professor kindly replied-.

- How can we get to know what we don't know? -I ask the young woman, very anxious.

Only with patience, dear Achaiah, only with patience. Don't ever forget that.

Those words were deeply engraved in the mind of the young Achaiah who felt a special attraction for knowing the secrets of nature. She was a lover of mysteries.

Well, time passed slowly but surely, and the day when he was to deliver his work was approaching. But this detail seemed to matter to none of them, for they had hardly paid any attention to unraveling that mystery. They had been completely unconcerned, only interested in playing and having fun.

However, Achaiah had taken it seriously and each day he patiently observed the growth of the flowers. She had sown a seed and saw its first bud emerge from the ground. Day by day he saw that it was growing and when it had reached a considerable height, he witnessed the miraculous moment when that beautiful flower opened its petals to the sun.

Yes, Achaiah had found the answer. She knew what it took to make life happen. She enthusiastically told others about her experience, but they laughed at her, for how they would waste their time watching a flower grow.

And the day arrived. One by one they were consulted, and none of them knew how to answer, but when it was Achaiah's turn, she did know how to answer. Don Iván congratulated her and when he was leaving, proud of her, he asked her:

- How could you find the answer?.

- Very simple, Don Iván, I did what you advised me to do, I was patient.

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